
Create a user account on our website. Just insert your e-mail address, create a password, agree to the terms of registration and click on Registration. Then we will inform you on how to proceed, how to log in to your new account.


  • know in advance driving bans for trucks in Europe,
  • sent anonymously (unless you choose otherwise) compliments and observations,
  • receive the latest information about the company,
  • to supplement your profile.

Preparations in future releases list of current shipments + history + shipping scanned documents. We believe that common refine our system, we reach higher productivity. we thank you

Podmienky registrácie

Registration and use of Internet applications are free. To register you just fill in the e-mail address and password if you want to enter more details, the system makes it possible to account activation. Once your account is activated, you can set up your profile.

Registration is done only once at the specified e-mail account!

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Personal or business information to be processed in the system are carefully stored on secure servers. AdEK SK develops maximum fled to data processed in this web application can not be misused. All personal data is processed according to law 122/2013 Z.z. The law on personal data protection as amended by subsequent legislation.