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AdEK SK International Transport
International road transport is the main business of the company since 1992. In the road transport and logistics, we have a long tradition, professional knowledge and practical experience. In AdEK SK cooperation is based on partnership, intense communication and trust.
We offer our customers transport services that are reliable with loading and unloading times, that inform about the goods positions. Freight is delivered by professionals, with several years of experience.
The leadership credibility is the high care of employees and business partners not only in good but also in bad times. Long-term market action, gradual development is proof of reliability and quality.
We strive to strengthen our market position by improving our services in every respect. We like to learn and grow as partners. We improve not only our professional knowledge, but also our technique, procedures and last but not least the company. We want to contribute socially responsible entrepreneurship to the improvement of business and public life.